Media & News


Asian Family Business and Family Office

Let us begin with a brief introduction to Family business:- Family businesses have being in existence since the dawn of mankind, evolving with time and

Estate Planning

Estate Planning for Muslims

Growth in the Islamic Financial sector has being phenomenal. The Star online on 22 March 2012 reported for 2011 ending the Islamic banking sector increase


私人退休计划 – Private Retirement Scheme (PRS)

私人退休计划与公积金相辅相成 最近的热门话题:私人退休计划 Private Retirement Scheme (PRS)。这项计划能为雇主和雇员带来怎样的好处?有吸引力吗? 经过多项退休规划调查报告显示我国许多打工一族退休后三几年内就耗尽辛苦工作多年所累积的公积金(平均不超过RM150,000),或是种种“钱不够用”的原因,无法安享晚年。为了协助我国人民可以提升生活水平和增加退休金以达到先进国的指数,早在十多年前,政府已在策划推出私人退休金计划,提高人民对退休的意识。 所谓“千呼万唤始出来”,经过多年的酝酿,政府去年终于拍案及修改法令,敲定由掌管本地证券业和资金市场的证券监督委员会(Securities Commission,简称证监会)负责主导私人退休计划,全权推动和监督本地私人退休计划的发展。私人退休计划是一项自愿性的长期退休计划,涵盖一系列由证监会批准的私人退休计划基金,协助国人建立可应付晚年生活的储蓄。 私人退休计划将和现有的各项强制性退休计划(例如:雇员公积金)相辅相成,为受薪及自雇人士提供更多的选择的退休储蓄管道。雇主可以通过这个计划,为员工提供更多退休福利,推出吸引人的薪酬福利配套,通过加强员工的退休储蓄,作为招揽人才及留才的工具。 私人退休计划重点: 8家供应商将提供24项基金,基金分成3个类别,可依年龄选择基金投资组合。 70%存款入A户头,不能提领直至退休年龄,30%存款在B户头,一年后可每年提款一次,但需付8%税金罚款。 回酬率不获担保,视所选的基金的表现。 没有限定缴纳金额或时间,可选择每年更换供应商一次,或转移款项到其他基金。 低成本退休计划,費用低过单位信托基金,转换或管理费用视供应商而定。 可享额外RM3000税务减免,投资获利免税和资金免受破产法影响等。 代雇员缴纳的雇主可获最高19%扣税(公積金繳納率:法定為12%,月薪5000令吉以下為13%和其他批准計劃在內)。 在多项的员工福利规划:优厚薪酬,旅游,体检,保障计划及医疗费用等,雇主也可考虑为雇员加强退休规划,让雇员可以放心地为公司付出。全套的员工福利规划可以造就一个好的工作环境,工作等于生活。


10 Tips for Financial Success

Making resolutions to improve your financial situation is always a common thing to do among many people especially at the beginning of the year. Regardless


Rules for Retirement Investing – III

What sort of retirement vehicle(s)/ asset classes should one look into for one that is going into retirement? Using life STYLE investment criteria as a


Rules for Retirement Investing – II

Should investors lump their retirement investments with other savings into an investment vehicle?  No. Why? a.)   Differentiation between Saving (Capital Preservation) & Investing (Capital Appreciation) Short


Rules for Retirement Investing – I

Objective: The article is to identify the “rules” for those who are investing for their retirement. It will be focused more on those that are


Retirement Planning

Can you retire? Trends People are living longer – life expectancy for women is 76 years and men 72 They are marrying and having children

Your Financial Bridge for Life